Reflect, Reprioritize + Recharge
More often than not we find ourselves going at 60 mph without a clear vision of where we were originally headed. The days begin to blur together and before we know it our goals and new routines have fallen to the wayside. We’ve lost sight of taking care of ourselves and continuing to improve our physical and mental wellbeing. It is crucial to assess how we are spending our time and how we are taking care of ourselves.
Here are 3 steps to do that:
Do you feel like you have enough time for rest? Do you have enough time to explore your hobbies and interests? Do you feel like you’re managing stress and overwhelm to prevent the dreaded burnout? Taking stock of your year to eliminate additional stressors and unnecessary tasks will help you better prepare for your future and be the best version of yourself.
When reviewing your year so far, take a mental tally of tasks or responsibilities you took upon yourself that you in hindsight, could have delegated. Many individuals struggle with delegation, feeling that they can indeed multitask and get everything done. In reality, individuals who complete several tasks concurrently complete no single task well. Quickly transitioning from one task to another, without rest, will inevitably lead to burnout and you being less effective both at home and at work or school. Next time it is time to take care of an item on your to-do list, ask yourself if it’s really necessary for you to do this or if you can pass it along, leaving space for you to rest and reassess.
When we eliminate tasks from our to-do list, it is crucial we carve out time for self-care and build habits and routines. Routines are crucial for self-care! Automating parts of your day to reduce decision making will allow you more time for the tasks that really require your full attention and more time for rest and breaks. It has been proven time and time again that taking breaks improves our overall efficacy and productivity. Treat your time for self-care and breaks like standing appointments - they are in your calendar and non-negotiable. This is the time that you can shift into park, let your brain and body recharge, so you can be fully present during the rest of the day.
Taking time to reflect, reprioritize, and recharge will enable you to not only be more efficient but better rested and able to tackle the unexpected!