6 Fun Ways to Boost Working Memory
Life is filled with tasks, deadlines, and never ending details. Whether you are crushing it at work, managing the chaos at home, or acing your studies you always have to balance. Can you keep it all together without dropping the ball?! That’s where keeping your memory sharp comes in handy!
Of course you can make lists and set up a calendar, but what if that isnt cutting it? That’s where we come in! We can help you with some fun and creative ways to keep your brain on point no matter what you have going on!
Remembering Things at Work:
Visualize with a Twist: instead of just writing a list draw a quick sketch to help remember and so that the words don't get all jumbled up and look overwhelming.
Silly Mnemonics: If you need to remember the different steps to a project, come up with a wacky sentence where each word starts with the same letter as the step you need to follow. One example; Prince Edward Must Dash At Sunset. The funnier it is, the more likely you are to remember!
Remembering Things at School:
Rap it out: use one of your favorite songs and change the lyrics to help you study ie. “Burr it’s cold in here” to “Bones they’re everywhere…there must be be some metacarpals in my wrist right there”
Dance Breaks: Yeah, you read that right! Dance breaks are great. Research shows that movement helps boost your memory and concentration so when you’re feeling fried think of Meredith Grey & Christina Yang and dance it out! But don’t go crazy, 3 to 5 minutes should be enough to refresh your brain!
Remembering Things at Home:
Routine Remix: Routines are your memory’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean they have to be dull! Mix it up, play your favorite songs, listen to a book, and or watch a tv show/movie. You could also break the tasks down by day Monday: Machines (ie. dishes & laundry), Tuesday Toiletries (restock the bathrooms & clean them), Wednesday Wash (hand washed items as well as dry cleaners), etc.
Set Fun Alarms: Tasks can get daunting and life likes to throw curveballs; kids get sick, a new after school activity, maybe you have things to get done yourself! Setting an alarm for reminders is a sure way to remember and establish a recurring routine. Using a famous movie quote ie. “There’s no crying in baseball” means little Johnny has practice and “Nobody puts Baby in a corner” means little peanut needs a nap.
As Ferris Bueler once said, “Life moves pretty fast.” Remembering all the the things you have to do at home, work, and/or school can be overwhelming, but by using creative tools and tricks you can turn your brain into a memory powerhouse!