Finish Summer Homework Before the School Year Starts: 4 Simple Tips for Students


Long pool days, beach trips with friends and family, end of summer vacations before the school year starts…

Sounds like a pretty great summer, right?

But there may be one piece that has been overlooked…..summer homework!

As the school year quickly approaches, it’s time to check-in with yourself or your student on the summer homework wrap up plan.

If you or your student hasn’t started the summer homework assignments due at the start of the school year, don’t panic! You are not alone. It’s easy to have put schoolwork on the back burner while enjoying time in the summer to reset and refocus.

Here are some simple steps to get summer work wrapped up and on track to be completed by the start of the new school year:

1. Log back into school portals to check what summer assignments are due

  • Make a list of the homework that has been assigned

  • Review the details of each assignment(s) and reach out with any questions you may have

2. Create a manageable work plan

  • Knowing the requirements of each assignment, determine how much time each task will take to complete

  • Divide up the assignments to be completed over the next few weeks

  • Set up deadlines for each assignment to be due - keep them realistic!

3. Stick to the plan!

  • Set up a reward system for completing each task

  • Use an accountability buddy to keep the work plan on track

  • Ask a friend/family member to “body double” 

  • Incorporate the Pomodoro technique to help structure the work time on assignments

4. Build in breaks to enjoy the remainder of your summer

  • Adjust the work plan for upcoming trips and vacations

  • Maintain a balance between work time and downtime

Following these tips will not only get the summer homework wrapped up before the start of the school year, but also reintroduce the importance of effective time management and study habits that will be in place for the next year!

Continue to work hard, play hard this summer!


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